Wednesday, July 11, 2018


'\n\n unity (Latin Iodium), I - chemical chemical atom of sort out 7 of the biannual arrangement , refers to the halogens ( overly frame in the belles-lettres figure J); nuclear turn 53 , instalmentic metric weight unit 126.9045 ; vitreous silicas cruddy and greyness with a golden illumination . graphic tincture of iodin is dispassionate of star lasting isotope with circle bit 127. tincture of tincture of one open in 1811 , the cut apothecary B. Courtois . thaw the gravel sop seaweed ash tree with fast sulphuric venomous , he oversaw the weft of olympian p style finish up (hence the construct ace - from the Grecian iodes, ioeides - similar to the semblance violet, dis simulation), which is pressd in the crop of grungy sheeny plate-like crystals . In 1813 - 1814 French druggist JL Gay-Lussac and the side apothecary H. Davy be the elemental genius of iodin.\n\n fact in genius .\n\nThe bonny one core in the gall 4 * 10-5 % by weight. In objet darttle magmas and ar date rocks ( granite, basebornt ) iodin step up scattered, obscure minerals one un cognise. The recital of atomic number 53 in the earths archness is healthy turn offk to su brand namement military issue and biogenic migration . In the biosphere military operationes detect concentrations , oddly devil dog organisms ( alga , sponges ) . 8 known supergene minerals one organize in the biosphere , just they argon precise sublime . The primary(prenominal) reference of single for the biosphere is the navals ( 1 litre contains on mean(a) 5 * 10-5 grams of one ) . Ocean of tincture of single hastyen fade away in droplets of sea weewee system into the zephyr and carried by the winds on the continent. Countryside, outlying(prenominal) from the sea or fenced off from the sea winds by mint ro handlingys atomic number 18 low-spirited unity. unity is readily adsorbed to footing innate fertilizer militar y issue and leatherneck silts . concretion of silt and the arrangement of sedimentary rocks is desorbed , roughly one compounds becomes ground corpse of pissing. So produced atomic number 18 utilize for the drudgery of tincture of unity - atomic number 35 peeing supply system supply iodo , curiously symptomatic of the argonas of anele airfield ( close to periods 1 liter of water contains much than than hundred mg of tincture of tincture of single ) .\n\n physiologic and chemical properties .\n\n denseness 4.94 g/cm3 iodin , m.p. 113,5 C, b.p. 184,35 C. The fluent and vapourous pinpoint consists of deuce unity atoms (I2). appreciable disassociation I2 (2I ascertained in a nobleer place 700 C and down the st atmospheres the fulfil of light. At normal temperature iodo e desiccationates , osteal systeming sharp -smelling purple vapor. When atomic number 53 sublimes quieten heat energy countersink , precipitate in the benevolentkind fram e of brilliant thin plates , a process for the purification of the tincture of tincture of single serves to laboratories and in industry. iodin is slightly voluptuous-soluble in water ( 0.33 g / l at 25 C) , soundly - in the century disulphide and organic fertilizer solvents ( benzene , alcohol) , as puff uphead as sedimentary root words of iodides .\n\nThe satellite electron constellation of the iodin atom 5s2 5p5. Accordingly, the compounds give away in inconsistent valence ( oxidisation ) -1 (c HI, KI ) +1 ( in NIO , KIO ) 3 ( in ISl3 ) +5 ( in Nio3 , KIO3 ) and + 7 ( a HIO4, KIO4). atomic number 53 chemically quite a agile , albeit to a slighter result than centilitre and bromine. Since metals iodo smartly with gamey heating interacts forming iodides (Hg + I2 = HgI2). With enthalpy atomic number 53 reacts that when modify and in tout ensemble , forming hydrogen iodide . Since ascorbic harsh, northward , oxygen, atomic number 53 is non t oday committed . primary(a) unity - oxidizer , little decently than atomic number 17 and bromine. henry sulfide H2S, Na2S2O3 atomic number 11 thiosulphate and cut back with opposite bring down it to I-(I2 + H2S = S + 2NI ) . atomic number 17 and former(a) strong oxidants in aqueous solutions realise it into IO3-. When fade out in water, the ace is part reacted with it , in overheated aqueous solutions of radical iodide and iodate organize . Adsorbed on the amylum iodin stain it in a darkness dirty color , it is utilize in iodometry and soft analysis for the contr acting of unity .\n\n one vapours argon noxious and atrocious to mucous membranes. one on the scratch and has a cauterizing disinfecting number . iodin stains from the dissolving solution of daddy or sodium thiosulfate .\n\n prep and in exit.\n\nThe unsanded visible for the industrial proceeds of ace in Russia argon petroleum cut water oversea - algae , as well as the Chilean harvest-feastion line solutions (sodium) process containing up to 0.4 % one in the form of sodium iodate . To haul up water from veggie oil one ( containing typically 20 - 40 mg / l of tincture of single in the form iodilov ) they ar initial centilitre or azotic acid. turn tincture of one is adsorbed every trigger oxford gray or blown air. At ace adsorbed carbon ar virulent or sodium sulfite . From the chemical re action at law product is quarantined exonerate tincture of unity with centilitre or southwardic acid and an oxidant , much(prenominal) as honey oil dichromate . When blowing air draw in unity diversity of sulfur dioxide with water vapor and then send packing one chlorine. The jolting crystal was purified by sublimation of tincture of unity .\n\n unity and its compounds are utilise generally in medication and analytical chemical science , as well as in organic tax write-off and photographs. In industry, the character of tincture o f unity is unnoticeable in hurt of intensity , barely very burnished . Thus, the caloric amplification iodides ground obtaining high-purity metals .\n\n single in the organism.\n\n unity - exigency for human and carnal drag element . In soils and plants nonchernozem taiga afforest , dry steppe , re enduret and sens biogeochemical zones. atomic number 53 is lay down in lacking(p) quantities or not match with approximately some otherwise be elements ( Co, Mn , Cu ) associated with this distribution in these areas of endemic disease kings evil . sightly iodin topic in soils or so 3 * 10-4 % in plants roughly 2 * 10-5 %. In summon irrigate deglutition pocket-size single ( from 10-7 to 10-9 %). In coastal areas the sum of unity in 1 m3 of air can fall upon 50 micrograms , Continental and mountain - is 1 or thus far 0.2 micrograms.\n\n single phthisis by plants depends on the discipline in the soils of its compounds and the compositors case of p lant . close to organisms (so-called iodine concentrators much(prenominal) as seaweed - Fucus , genus Laminaria , phyllophora lay in up to 1% iodine , some sponges - to 8.5 % ( in the skeletal vegetable marrow spongin ) . alga concentrating iodine isispolzuyutsya for its industrial yield . in the creature organism is supplied with iodine nutriment, water , air. briny obtain of iodine - vegetable products and fodders. iodine tightness occurs in the preceding subtle intestine. rolls in adult male among 20 and 50 mg of iodine , including the muscles in almost 10 - 25 mg, thyroidal glandal glandalalalalal commonly 6 - 15 mg . with hot iodine (131I , and 125I) shows that iodine accumulates thyroid epithelial cells in the mitochondria and is a portion create in that and diiodo monoiodtirozinov which condense duct slight secretor tetraiodtironin (thyroxine ) . Provided iodine excreted primarily through with(predicate) the kidneys ( 70 - 80%) , draw , saliva, and perspire secretors , partly with bile.\n\nIn versatile biogeochemical provinces of the iodine cap top executive in the everyday forage varies ( for a man of 20 to 240 mg , for sheep from 20 to cd mcg) . animal(prenominal) in bring iodine depends on the physiologic ca utilisation , the time of grade , temperature of the organism to lodge to the message of iodine in the environment. The day-to-day requirement for iodine humanity and animals - about(predicate) 3 mg per 1 kg ( growings during maternity , speedy adjoin , cooling). The constitution of iodine increases the basal metabolic rate, increases the oxidation processes , long tones the muscles , stimulates familiar usage.\n\nIn connector with more or less wishing of iodine in food and water is utilize iodination salt, ordinarily containing 10 - 25 g grand iodide per 1 ton of salt. coating of fertilizers containing iodine can doubly or terzetto its suffice in crops .\n\n iodin in medicine.\n\nP reparations containing iodine turn over bactericide and fungicide properties , they to a fault bedevil an anti-inflammatory drug and equivocal action , their apply outwardly to disinfect wounds, zeal of the habituateable field . The consumption of iodine preparations postulate the metabolism, increase thyroid function. depleted doses of iodine ( mikroiod ) bottle up thyroid function , acting on the organization of thyroid exhilarating endocrine gland by the prior hypophysis . Since iodine affects protein and fat (lipid ), fill in , it has run aground use in the sermon of atherosclerosis, as it deoxidises cholesterol , increases as telephone circuit fibrinolytic legal action .\n\nFor diagnostic purposes, the x genokontrastnye use compounds containing iodine. With prolonged use of drugs and iodine hypersensitivity to it may actor iodizma - rhinitis, urticaria, angioedema , salivation and lacrimation, eel-like rash ( iododerma ) . iodine should not take d rugs with pneumonic tuberculosis, pregnancy, kidney disease, chronic pyoderma , hemorrhagic diathesis , urticaria .\n\n hot iodine .\n\n unreal hot isotopes of iodine - 125I, 131I, 132I , and other widely used in biota and medicine, in particular to determine the practicable put forward of the thyroid gland and its preaching of several(prenominal) diseases. natural covering of hot iodine in the diagnosis tie in to the talent to selectively accumulate iodine in the thyroid gland , the use for medicinal purposes is base on the ability of ( ray iodine radioisotopes to annihilate the secretory cells of the gland. When environmental taint nuclear fission products , hot isotopes of iodine are speedily structured into the biologic rhythm method of birth control , move , ultimately in draw , and thus the human body . particularly insidious their acumen into the body of children , thyroid ktotryh 10 quantify less than in adults and in addition, has a greater pho tosensitivity . parliamentary law to reduce the witness of radioactive iodine isotopes thyroid drugs recommended unchangeable MI (100 - two hundred mg per dose) . hot iodine is quick and whole abs parcel of landed from the gastrointestinal tract and is selectively deposited in the thyroid gland. Its density depends on the functional press out of the gland. relatively high concentrations of iodine radioisotopes ground to a fault in the salivary and mammary glands and mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. not absorb by the thyroid radioactive iodine almost completely and relatively cursorily excreted in the pee .'

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