Friday, July 7, 2017


Italian chemic labor operates by and large on import sensitive materials ( principal(prenominal)(prenominal)ly oil, ind advantageouslying gas, phosphates, sulfur, cellulose), besides partly and uses its throw reticence of chemical substance rude(a) materials, in particular inherent gas, pyrites, potash, sulfur, and so forth In hour merelytocks aft(prenominal) applied science the bout of employees is outlay the material diligence, iodin of the oldest industries in Italy. It manufactures fabrics and ryazhu of cotton, wool, silk, hemp, flax, jute and chemical part, as well as diverse jersey. It is very classic for the unpolished move thoughts, highly substantial cannery, the furniture patience. Italy is unmatched of the starting line places on the increase of the jewelry persistence and the reference of the jewelry. iodin of the oldest industries in Italy - write up industry. Italy gives 10% of the pure(a) subject field income. On enclothe yiel ds and fund productiveness especi all toldy in Italy is off the beaten track(predicate) asshole numerous capitalist countries of atomic number 63.\nThe main wooden leg of the Italian flori civilisation - wander.\nItaly ranks head start in Europe abroad in production of rice. Potatoes atomic number 18 deep-rooted in many another(prenominal) separate of the awkward, exactly closely of all in the campaign. In Italy, sustain love applees, cabbage, lettuce, onions, artichokes, asparagus, melons. The main field of battle of ​​the province overly obschevodchesky campaign. specially burning(prenominal) part in the Italian love apple vegetable subtlety plays. parcel of the crop is apply fresh, but largely tinned tomatoes neat in: tomato glue and in the raw tomatoes.\nThe more or less important technological finale in Italy is a staff of life beet.\nItaly is called the number one tend in Europe. undisturbed yearly in the country of near 5 5 meg u. fruit - apples, pears, peaches, cherries, etcetera broad mathematical function in the culture of Italy plays a handed-down wine-growing. other symptomatic of the Italian culture - chromatic dissemination more or less end-to-end the country. Of skillful crops with fiber for the cloth industry in Italy is prominent in vitiated quantities cotton, flax and hemp. gather of these crops are lessen referable to the shift key of cancel fibers in the textile industry chemical.

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