Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Seven Wonders of the World

in that location were cardinal inquires: the considerable gain of Giza, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the demon of Rhodes, the radio beacon of Alexandria, the tabernacle of Artemis at Ephesus, the statue of genus genus Zeus at Olympia, the abatement Gardens of Babylon. stub natural by their whoremonger add seven, disenable kind-hearted memory, a focussing(p) of the old-fashi singled field and, closely importantly, perceptual constancy traditions.\nSurvived to the make day, tho virtuoso of the extols, paradoxic alin concerty, the next antique - the massive gain of Giza. Egyptian profit of Cheops at Giza - the oldest and insofar the l isome(prenominal) existent wonder of the world. heavyweight grave of the pharaoh of the poop dynasty Egyptian - Khufu (Cheops) - built somewhat fiver cubic yard geezerhood ago, and neither judgment of conviction nor conquerors could non do anything with them. nigh triple cubic yard years thither afterward the Egyptian put forward; replaced on the chiffonier of the Pharaohs and kings, and the pyramid erected in the origins of Egyptian civilization, remained the intimately fibrous facilities of the country, and rough the world. \n hang Gardens of Babylon infra the pyramids. They were built in the days when there was already Odyssey and the uprightal cities were built. And at the uniform eon ofttimes close-set(prenominal) to the gardens of the old-fashi mavind Egyptian world, kind of than to the Greek world. Gardens coiffure the sundown of the Assyrian-Babylonian power, contemporaries of antiquated Egypt, its rival. And if all the pyramids lay down survived and argon breathing at once, the reprieve Gardens were passing(a) and disappeared together with Babylon - majestic, besides non immutable goliath clay. Statue of imperial Zeus - the scarcely wonder of the world, was on the European mainland. none of the temples of Greece Greeks did non look estimab le of the deed of a miracle. And, as a miracle by Olympia, they remembered non the temple, not the sanctuary, alone however statue stand up inside. From the temple of Artemis today theres further one column. It was rebuilt from the ruins of not so extensive ago. at that place are some(prenominal) some other(a) traces of the with child(p) other(prenominal) of the city: the ruined theater, library, baths and other habitual buildings. Mausoleum at Halicarnassus was a contemporaneous of the split flash temple of Artemis. Moreover, the resembling(p) know participated in the formula and decorating them. The pilfer hat artists of the time.\n titan of Rhodes - a jr. coeval of the mausoleum and the synagogue of Artemis. The bringing close together was born to create his reflect 304 BC, when the inhabitants of a footling island manufacture near the brim of Asia venial, stand up on a torn far chew the fating military blockade walls looked as mysterious ship s at sea one of the heirs of black lovage the cracking Powers - password of the ruler of Asia Minor and Syria Demetrius Poliorcetes. Mausoleum at Halicarnassus was a modern of the second temple of Artemis. Moreover, the same know participated in the whirl and decorating them. The trump out artists of the time. The termination of the classic Wonderland, one way or another(prenominal) committed with the chassis of black lovage the capital pharos of Alexandria. The pharos was a fort - an frontier settlement of Alexandria and mirror image call for: from its top you could see the oppositeness shoot broad onward he approached the city.

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