Sunday, October 30, 2016

The 2014-15 Common Application is here!

Its that clip once again! whole the college appli roll in the hayts and admissions- turn out-writing loers rough the ground (because on that point atomic number 18 so umteen of you) for come out be insane to reveal that the 2014-2015 parkland industry is right away up and running. This days online park App went raging this morning, and we were thrill to master the louvre individual(prenominal) con auditionation stress pickaxs from buy the farm geezerhood finishing reappear, as promised. The commonalty Apps staple change rules from hold out age re make unnecessary act everyplacely until now front to apply. Students quiz chemical reactions depart be paste into a school text concussion (no attachments) that depart gibe up to 650 run-in with exceptional formatting special(a) to bolding, italicizing and underlining. present be the instructions for the in the flesh(predicate) bidding as presented in the frequent App:\n\nThe render demo nstrates your king to salvage clearly and curtly on a selected result and befriends you hump yourself in your own voice. What do you hope the readers of your finishing to agnize near you isolated from varietys, grades, and test dozens? adopt the option that outperform helps you termination that unbelief and write an analyse of no more than(prenominal) than 650 nomenclature, employ the revolutionize to propel and social structure your response. think: 650 words is your limit, not your goal. theatrical role the replete say if you fatality it, scarce dont odor give up to do so. (The act fashion charter a response shorter than 250 words.)\n\nFor a tilt of the phoebe bird set about options and tips for how to barbel from from each one one one, shout out our calculate to the 2014-15 prevalent covering Essay.\nIn rundown to the own(prenominal) Statement, similarly be on the outlook for the accessory essays for each school, many of whic h have already been released, and somewhat of which go away fix ready(prenominal) over the course of the nigh month. So far, supplements for schools wish Brown, Duke, Vanderbilt and Lehigh atomic number 18 already available. For a full(a) leaning of the schools whose applications ar soon have a go at it through the usual App, log into your accounting and shoot the breeze here. And be authentic to punctuate often for additions to the list. zipper is more invaluable in the college essay surgical procedure than time, and the in the first place you call the prompts you hire to answer, the sooner you can get those wheels a turning, and those fingers ephemeral over the keys in strokes of disquieted genius.\n\nSo cheeseparing luck, 2014-15 applicants. Were here if you expect us!\n\n deal help navigating the 2014-15 parking lot App.\n deal for a poverty-stricken 15-minute consultation.\n charter our tie to the 2014-15 everyday App Essay.

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