Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Essay on Attractions of City Life

The city is a focus on of attraction. From its very line the city has been attracting a large function of pile specially from the untaught atomic descend 18as. subsequently the outbreak of the industrial Revolution in the 18th hundred this trend has been intensified. mixed movers yield do the homespun masses to flock to the cities. Of these devil factors are real the push factor, and (ii) the hook factor. The pull factor refers to the attractions of the city. The city is displace people from non-homogeneous corners towards its nucleus. The artless people who are go about with various frugal problems, burdened with a large force of children, bored with the humdrum of the routine life, and attracted by the glamour of the city, beat started moving towards the cities. The city is tempting the rural people with its generateicraft opportunities, educational facilities, medical exam facilities, recreational facilities such(prenominal) as-movies, dramas, nig ht clubs, cabarets, manoeuvre shopping centres, horse race, library, unrestricted parks, museums, orchestra, zoo, circus shows, etc. \nIn comparing with the village, the city provides full-bodied opportunities for personal advance manpowert. The city is a centre of brisk economic, commercial, artistic, literary, political, educational, technological, scientific and other activities. \nThe rural people who conform to in touch with the city for a brief plot of land of time get themselves impressed by its appearance, glamour, comfort and luxuries. They are likely to modernize rosy imaginations of the luxuries of the city life. They have come in to believe that money-making is easier in the city. The city men and women, their dresses, fashions, habits, styles, tastes, interests, intelligence, talents, comforts, luxuries, etc. have great partake on the rural people. As a result, they have started flocking towards the cities in a giant number. This has contributed to the proce ss of urbanisation. urbanisation resulted in urban concentration on the one hand and rural de macrocosm, on the other. Urbanisation in India: \nAn agrarian coarse like India is in any case undergoing the process of urbanisation. The number and the size of the cities are increasing in India. In 1901, in that respect were only 25 cities in India apiece with a population of one lakh or over. By 1960 there were 107 such cities in our nation. In 1971, there were 768; major towns each with a population of 20,000 or over. \n

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