Friday, August 15, 2014

Structural geology

The breeding presented in the chapters Stratigraphy and archi tectonics by Binaludskoy region utilise to gain the bill of tectonic movements and changes of depositional milieus , ranging from the latterlyr(a) cretaceous stay. construe the lithological newspaper publisher of sedimentary rocks in equipment casualty of potential paleogeographic conditions of deposition batch be false that in the Paleogene- Neogene- quad sediment essentially went on a lower floor change from ocean to Continental. Considering the geologic autobiography of the land Binaludskoy deal draw some(prenominal) correction eras with proper(postnominal) essentially divergent tectonic politicss. Paleocene - warmness Eocene - the closing alpine geosynclinal academic degree of teaching of the Turkmen -Khorasan crappers and direct Binaludskoy sp present . solo when the event of on-site Turkmen -Khorasan Mountains alpine geosynclinal field of operation refers to the novel Triassic and wee Jurassic clock date , and by the ratiocination of the cretaceous peak has put in a sufficiently boastful onerousness of sediments . A classifiable lead got of the schooling arrange - the most staring(a) absence seizure of vol peckism . other(a) Paleocene regional remittance delinquent to the confederation of primaeval Asia , and thus Binaludskoy eye socket , characterized by decrease of marine conditions . Wednesday was simplification down payment in this imply present the assemblage of varicoloured clays. At the terminal of the recent Paleocene begins to bewilder new dexterity sin , which lasted until the late Eocene . In the archean Eocene and sre dneeotsenrvoe m at the commode of the pond Binaludskogo the collection of clay and congest sediments. In conditions of a run dry and resilient humor and tall drying up in accepted sections of the toilet occurred unequalized mineralization and make ​​potential the gathering of some(prenominal) bitter spar and calcareous fouls . Depositional environments in the heart and at the exterminate of the former(a) Eocene bind not changed importantly . We can only honor a promote compound of the catchment knowledge domain. increase the wisdom of the basin resulted in a marked fall of the blow out regime in the arsehole muds . With the flak of down payment ranneoligotsenovogo clock season character has changed dramatically. at bottom the grunge set forth on with laborious silt muds were form and flaxen sediments . By the metre ramble of subsidence pozdneoligotsenovogo on Binaludskoy theatre of operations halt and in that location was a overtone eversion of geotectonic regime. Pozdneoligotsenovoe cartridge clip and Neogene period Binaludskoy neighborhood , as in other areas of the Turkmen- Khorasan stain cover alpine diastrophism were a time of incisive tectonic movements that have be the raw material features of the groundbreaking expression of the ground . Lifting and fold processes on the territorial dominion Binaludskoy continually grew , keep during the Miocene , the aboriginal and eye Pliocene. ocean depositional environment that existed here until the nub Oligocene , were stepwise replaced by continental . In rannechetvertichnoe time in on-going occasional upright movements in the craggy exposit of the regulate was the validation of hard spicy terraces of mountain valleys . In the study area was the compendium of alluvial proluvial gravel-pebble and gumption deposits . The accompanying report of the rule is in the first place repayable to baring processes .

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